On May 15, 2020, the annual meeting of WAG – Women Advocacy Group was held online. The group comprises women’s civil society organizations, student organizations and activists from across Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The meeting was used as an opportunity to present the results of the conducted monitoring of various aspects of women’s participation in the process of EU integration, with particular emphasis on the negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and relevant newly adopted legislation on women’s rights in the country.

The present members of the group discussed political participation of women and inclusion in decision-making processes, realization of economic and social rights, increase in reported cases of violence against women and shrinking space for WCSOs, and they shared information from the field.

It was concluded that it is most important for women’s voices to be included in the entire process of B&H’s European integration, and that all issues include a women’s perspective. “Gender equality does not mean that women are merely present, but that women’s issues are treated as important”, stated Aleksandra Petrić, executive director of Foundation “United Women” from Banja Luka.