The regular annual meeting of the Women’s Advocacy Group (WAG) was held on April 6, 2022. The WAG is again preparing a document focused on the state of women’s human rights in different fields, as a contribution for the EC Country Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2022. WAG members exchanged information on women’s political participation, realization of economic and social rights, problems in the healthcare sector, the increase of violence against women, difficult situation faced by Roma women, and the shrinking space for action of civil society organization. This year, we also analyzed the Opinion on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s application for membership of the EU and the realization of the 14 key priorities.

Unfortunately, this year is no different to the previous ones and there has been no significant progress in any area since the last Country Report for BiH. The state has not fulfilled almost any of the key commitments necessary for advancement towards EU membership.

Representatives of the Women’s Advocacy Group agreed to jointly request the organization of a public hearing of the Committee for Gender Equality and the Committee for Human Rights in order to present their proposals for amendments of the Draft Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Federation of BiH which is currently in legislative procedure.